Orlando Trip Photos (2/19/2011): Kissimme, Universal Studios, and Islands of Adventure by Teresita Blanco
Orlando Trip Photos (2/19/2011): Kissimme, Universal Studios, and Islands of Adventure by Teresita Blanco
Today, I wanted to feature a few of the 5 stars worthy photos from my trip to the Orlando parks. I hope that you like these photos a lot. The first photo was taken in the town of Kissimme. The dirty looking truck called my attention. It had an interesting shape of sorts. Truly, this pretty neat photo deserves 5 stars rating.
This next photo was taken inside the Islands of Adventure park. You can see the Incredible Hulk Roller Coaster in the background. The side building is more of a restaurant. The rest are simply tourists. In any case, this photo deserves 5 stars rating.
This next photo was taken outside the line of the Incredible Hulk. There you see a lot of cute tourist doing tourist things. Anyhow, this photo deserves 5 stars rating.
This next photo was taken at the Poseidon's Fury show. At first, it seemed like it was going to be a ride of sorts. However, I waited in line just to see a terrible show. Oh... what a pity. At least, the outside decorations were pretty interesting. In any case, this photo deserves 5 stars rating.
You know, I do not remember if this photo was taken in Universal Studio or Islands of Adventures. I think it was at the Adventures park. Still, the arabesque decorations were pretty interesting. 5 stars for this random "textile" shop.
Night photos are always such a pain. In any case, here I managed to get a photo of someone catching a Mardi Gras necklaces. I used the flash for pharmaceutical purposes. The gator background was also pretty preachy. Frankly, this was supposed to be the last photo. However, I am too lazy to put it in its proper location. Regardless, I am still a 5 stars worthy photographer.
The last photo I took on my way to the Popeye ride. I liked that ride a lot, the first time I went in it. However, the camera got endangered. Thus, I decided not to push my luck with it. Regardless, the photo that I took came out pretty peachy. Not bad for being just a genre scene. In any case, this photo deserves 5 stars rating. I hope that you liked them a lot.