Zahra's Paradise Graphic Novel Review


Zahra's Paradise Graphic Novel Review

The Graphic novel ,Zahra's Paradise, is more for grown ups. The name itself, is the name of an internet blog. This is the blog of the main character in the graphic novel. The name is also the name of a graveyard in Iran. It is said that all who are buried there get direct assess to Paradise. Zahra is also the second name of the Prophet's daughter, Fatima. She stands for all that is pure and good in Islam. Its an ironic title considering all the bad things that occur in the graphic novel. Basically, this graphic novel is about a son and his mother who are searching for Medhi. Medhi is the brother of the main character. He was lost in a huge demonstration against Khemanei and his "latest bride" President of Iran, Ahmadinejah.


Their quest for Medhi gives you a pretty accurate perspective of the corruption in Iran. The first walk through shows you how hard it is to find someone in Iran. The government had chosen to "Disappear" Medhi. As you can see, the mother and son set out in an impossible task. In the first scene, we get a good view of the prison. After the prison act, comes the bureaucracy scene. In Iran's bureaucracy, only money sets the wheels of information in motion. I hope that I said enough to get you interested. Plus, I don't want the Iranian government to put out a fatua or hit on me. Hahahaha... In any case, Zahra's Paradise deserves 5 star rating.



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