Mythology and Bible Paintings of Diego Velazquez that are 5 stars worthy
Now, let us continue with my Diego Velazquez art blogs. In this art blog, I featured some of Velazquez 5 stars worthy mythology and Bible paintings. I decided to only rate the paintings that are truly 5 stars worthy. In any case, I wanted to start with the Immaculate Conception. I like the Virgin Mary's doomsday form a lot. Velazquez choose a very beautiful model. Her face is really pretty. The red hair is an interesting touch. On the ground, you can make out a garden. The final sunset is noticeable over the horizon. Its interesting how Velazquez complimented this painting with a lot of Apocalyptic details. Pretty neat. Truly, this lovely Virgin Mary painting deserves 5 stars rating.
In this painting, we see Bacchus crowning a peasant. For the poor, wine is their only comfort. It eases their burden and brings them happiness. While drinking, they imagine themselves nobles. Like that man, being crowned by Bacchus. Beside Bacchus, a smiling drink is looking at us. His friend is also jeering at us. At the Bacchus's feet, we see several wine recipients. Here, Velazquez was showing us several textures. Its how artists show off their mastery of realism. In any case, this lovely painting of Velazquez deserves 5 stars rating.
Like we all know, Joseph's brothers' were jealous of him. He was the favorite of their father Jacob. He liked Joseph better because he was the only son of his favorite wife Rachel. The other brats belonged to his second wife Leah. One day, Jacob gave him a fancy coat. This was the last straw! His brothers then sold Joseph to slavery. To hide their crime, they put animal blood on Joseph's coat. They then took it to his father and pretended that Joseph was dead.
Here Jacob is just receiving the bad news. He looks shocked and full of pain. The brothers' holding the coat are pretending to be sad. The two brothers in the darkness are sneering and whispering among each other. They were the main conspirators in getting rid of the competition. Jealousy can drive a man to do terrible things. The dog barking is there for realism purposes. Dogs always bark at the scent of blood. I think that is everything worth mentioning. This realistic painting of Diego Velazquez deserves 5 stars rating.
In this painting, Apollo has gone to visit Vulcan. He is telling him the bad news about his wife Venus. In this episode, Apollo is telling Vulcan that Venus is once again cheating on him. This time, Vulcan's wife, slept with Mars. What is interesting about Vulcan's forge is that it resembles a regular forge of the Baroque period. Heck, even the armors built, are knight's armor. Thus, the painting is not about the mythological story, but about the Forge. In any case, this lovely baroque mythological painting deserves 5 stars rating.
Above, we see the cruxified Christ. The blood and his pose is quite realistic, more or less. The halo is an interesting detail. Its the only touch of otherworldly about this Jesus. Its like combining realism with divinity. I think that is everything worth mentioning about this painting. Truly, Diego Velazquez deserves 5 stars rating.
This painting features Mars. He looks defeated and he is meditating. Venus has just left after getting bored with Mars. His baculo that represents his manliness, has fallen. When it comes to love, this war god is a novice. Its pretty neat, how love defeated war. The black knight's armor is also pretty neat. The model also works pretty well. He looks strong, but old. The folding of his bent belly adds realism to his frame. In any case, this Diego Velazquez's cool Mars deserves 5 stars rating.
Above, we see the Virgin Mary's coronation. She is being crown by the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The realism on these figures are quite exquisite. The father has the globe in his hand. The son has the shepherd staff in his arm. In any case, this lovely painting deserves 5 stars rating.
The above painting is the infamous Rokeby Venus. She is looking at her own reflection in a mirror held by her son Cupid. She was stabbed by feminist chick trying to make a point. Something about the objectification of women. Needless to say, she was an uneducated brat who has never seen Greek Gods. In Greece, all Gods and Goddesses are in the nude. It has nothing to do with Objectification. Its more of a glorification of human beauty. This glorification is unusual. Usually, one gets the front of the chick. The mysterious patron of this painting wanted to get the Venus's fine behind. In any case, this lovely painting deserves 5 stars rating.