History Repeats Itself in Egypt: Mohamed Morsi Turns into Mubarak

Mohammed Morsi, President Morsi, Mohammed Morsi political cartoon

History Repeats Itself in Egypt: Mohamed Morsi Turns into Mubarak

I have been hearing lots of news about Egypt. I remember that when they got their freedom from Mubarak the Muslim Brotherhood promised not to take the power from the people. For being religious men, they are not keen in keeping their promises. Anything to return to the same old same old. Well, Mohamed Morsi recently gave himself powers like those wielded by the late Former Tyrant Mubarak. In order to calm the angry mob looming outside his office, he told them that those powers would only last until a new constitution was drafted. He promised them that he was not going to stay in power forever.

The protesters are right not to trust him. Think about it, the Muslim Brotherhood said ,early in the game, that they would not steal the power of the people. Yet, the Egyptians have President Morsi. To make matters worse, the Muslim Brotherhood has orchestrated their own protests to counteract the protests of President Morsi's opponents. The way things are going there might be a civil war in Egypt. They have just gotten rid of a tyrannical dictator. Tensions are flying high. Things are ripe for another armed conflict.

mohamad morsi egypt, mohamed morsi,morsy

According to the Government of Egypt, the majority of the Egyptians are with the Muslim Brotherhood. They claim that they all love the Sharia laws that oppress everyone who are not with the Muslim Brotherhood. My nose smells Electoral Fraud. I have a sneaky suspicion that most who voted for President Mohamed Morsi are probably dead. Then again, most of the Venezuelans voted for Chavez and then he did whatever he felt like. It happens...

You think you are getting a democratic president and once in power he shows his true colors. You never know whom you voted for until that person gets in power. Frankly, one should never trust the promises that anyone in power or outside of power makes. Mixing religion and government has always spelled disaster. As Jesus puts it, " Give to Caesar, what belongs to Caesar and God, what belongs to God". See, separation of church and state.

ahmed morsi, morsy,mohamed morsi egypt

However, the real reason I am paying attention to this news is another. In the past, I used to get a steady pageview from Egypt. I got from there between 4000 to 5000 daily pageviews in my Animekida Network. Yesterday, I stopped getting pageviews from Egypt It seems that the new Egyptian government is censoring the internet. Perhaps, they pulled the plug off the internet. Such a change would only be noticed by someone who owns a website. Then again, most internet companies are western oriented. I doubt that anyone has noticed or cares that they lost their Egyptian traffic.

Something fishy is going in in Egypt. I have been sensing a storm coming ever since the Muslim Brotherhood showed their face during the war against Mubarak. Perhaps, I am over thinking things. However, when someone tells you that they will not do something, it always means that they already done it. Why else would they try so hard to assure the West that they are not up to their old tricks?

mohamed morsi president,mohamed morsy,mohammed morsi

People don't change! Once they tasted the fruit of power they do not want to let it go. Things are going to get really bad in Egypt in the following months. My guess that something really bad is going to happen in Christmas and/or New Year. I feel that whatever is going to happen is going to be perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. Let us hope, that I am incorrect. The dream of every seer is being wrong about a prophecy of doom. So make my dream come true and play nice, Egypt!

You know, according to Google Trends, the rest of the world does not care about what is happening in Egypt. Its such a pity because if Egypt goes sour, the rest of the Middle East will follow. Becoming democratic is one thing. However, staying democratic is the true test for every nation. You know what else? There is an outbreak of Morsy. Morsy is Morsi's name misspelled. I guess the West is interested. However, they do not know how to spell President Morsi's name. However, the keyword that is just booming is Ahmed Morsi. It's interesting food for thought.

Anonymous protest, Egypt, Crisis at Egypt


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