Beauty and the Beast Classical Disney Movie

anime love,Beauty and the Beast, Disney movie

Beauty and the Beast Classical Disney Movie

Well, I am back to rating the 5 star worthy Disney movies. Like we all know, Beauty and the Beast is about not judging someone by their appearance. The brother's Grimm version was more about Jealousy. In any case, this movie has lots of lovely singing and some action on the side. I liked a lot the final fight against Gaston. It was quite the lovely final battle to wrap things up. That Gaston was a real jerk. Then again, he was a hunter. Interesting enough, the hunter characters in the Disney movies are always jerks, more or less. This goes contraire to the Brother's Grimm original vision. Then again, the hunters must become antagonist to sweep under the rug all the adult elements of the Brother's Grimm.

I suppose I should say a bit of the storyline of the Beauty and the Beast. Like we all know, the Beast was a jerk. One day, he threw out an ugly witch from his castle. She then turned into a pretty lady who cursed the beast. The rose that she had offered for her lodging became the Beast's life line. When the last petal falls, he would stay the beast forever. His only hope is to have a girl fall in love with him. The problem is his bad Temper. Girls can let a lot of things slide. However, bad temper is something no maiden will put up with.

Beauty and the Beast, Disney movie,Belle

I thought it was pretty evil what Gaston did to Belle's old man. In those days, the loony bind was just a terrible place. It still is a madhouse. However, back then you were simply thrown in with in a cage with a whole bunch of Crazy people. From time to time they fed you something they called food. The madhouse was no different than a medieval prison. So yeah, touche for Disney and their antagonists. They really know how to create bad buys.

Speaking of Gaston, I liked a lot the song he sang while leading the angry mob to the Beast's castle. This was not too uncommon during that time period. There are always ill rumors about nobles and their haunted mansions. The commoners do not need many excuses to loot a palace. Another song that I liked was the Dinner song. The dancing silverware was a lovely detail. It must suck to be cursed right along your master. Its like you get punished for your bad boss. In any case, Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast movie deserves 5 stars rating.

Disney movie,Beauty and the Beast, anime love


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