Connecticut Shooting, Adam Lanza, the Victims and Gun Control
It has been a day and the facts have been laid out. Yesterday, it was complete pandemonium. No one knew, how many were responsible for the Connecticut shooting. The police is still gathering evidence to answer the hows and the whys. However, I can finally put the facts straight. Yesterday, Adam Lanza shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, to death. The murder weapons belonged to his mother. Arming himself with his mother's two handguns and assault riffle, Adam Lanza drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School. He forced his way into the schools. Like in most schools, you must pass by the office to get to the Kids. Adam Lanza entered that office and shot to death the School Psychologist and the School Director. He then entered the closets classroom to the office. That classroom was full of Kindergarten students.
In that first classroom died most of his Victims. The Connecticut Shooter then made his way to another classroom. By now, the entire school was aware of his presence. The teachers began to evacuate the students. Some went into hiding. By 10 AM, the police had arrived to the scene of the crime. When the police arrived, they found Adam Lanza dead. He had apparently shot himself, out of guilt. Near, the scene of the crime, the police picked up Ryan Lanza. At first many thought, he was Adam Lanza's accomplice. Heck, for a while many imagined that he was the real killer.
After much interrogation, they figured that Ryan Lanza had nothing to do with the murders perpetrated by his brother. He just happened to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time. It appears that Ryan was checking up on his mother and his younger brother. Ryan lives in New Jersey. His younger brother Adam was autistic. For this reason, he still lived with his mother Nancy. The police still does not know what triggered Adam Lanza's murderous rage.
One can not use a regular psychological murderous profiling with an Autistic kid. One never knows what they ever feel like doing. Plus, can one honestly hold an autistic kid responsible for his own actions? This Connecticut shooting is a perfect example of a senseless killing. Sure, gun control measures can make certain that the buyer of the gun is not crazy. However, can they be certain of the mental state of the family members of the buyers of the gun?
As for me, I think no one should have guns. Japan, at most, gets 9 murders a year. Those murderers usually do not get far using just a knife. Heck, even their Yakuzas only use Samurai Swords. The problem is that no one is willing to chance. Plus, changing the US Constitution is almost impossible. Then again, it is not the first time, the US had to get rid of a problematic amendment. Remember the prohibition amendment, they got rid of that one really quickly.
Research states that such massive shootings have been occurring more often since 2007. They have been much worse this year. As it happens 2007 was that the year the economy went sour. In that same year, the sales of guns went on a spike. It is always a white, Caucasian killer, between the ages of 15-30. White people of that age have lot of problems. The anglo saxon culture expects them to move out and have a good career. Those that do not meet such expectations get frustrated. The Anglo Saxon culture raises their male white kids to externalize such frustrations.
This leads kids like the Connecticut shooter to take out their frustrations on innocent victims. Its just like the kids from Columbine or the Batman shooter. These types of murders are called soft targets. The killers usually go for cramped places with little security. They then shoot as many people as possible before being captured or killed. According to the TV Psychologist (whose name alludes me), such persons suffer from an episode of Acute Psychosis. Its an alteration of reality. In that state of mind, they are technically lucid enough to plan an attack. However, the motivation behind such an attack is rooted in their new twisted perception of reality.
Needless to say, we cannot do anything about the insanity of the killers. We can make it impossible for them to obtain weapons. The problem is how do we prevent such Connecticut shootings from ever happening again. The answer is simple. We must band the sell of all guns. The problem is people's inability to change. Then again, the US has always been a cowboy culture. Even today, western shooter films are still pretty popular. Such a gun ho attitude does not disappear overnight. Plus, the selling of guns is a lucrative business. The NRA, gun shops and many organizations depend on rifles for their livelihood. When you put money down the middle, it cripples any effecting gun control measures. There are other factors to consider. However, money is the main reason why there won't be any effective gun control measure.
Everything always boil down to money. What of the victims? Can we put a price on the lives of the many children that died in this terrible tragedy? We cannot do patchwork when it comes to gun control. You either do what is necessary or you do nothing at all! What's it going to be? You can lie to the kids, and tell them they are safe. However, no children is ever going to be safe as long as guns are easily available.
Speaking of the kids, I heard of a depressing episode that occurred during the Connecticut Shooting. A first grade teacher had hidden her 15 students inside the bathroom. She was telling stories to keep them calm. At a certain point a little girl said, "I just want Christmas, I don't want to die!". The teacher responded in a soothing shacking voice, " You’re going to have Christmas and Hanukkah". You know what would be a good Christmas present for those poor children: A Safe Future! Lets get rid of the Guns, for their sake. Only then can the these children be truly safe from armed nutcases.