Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Season 2: Battle Tendency Anime Review

Jojo' Bizarre Adventure,Joseph Joestar,anime fight

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Season 2: Battle Tendency Anime Review

The first season closed with the death of the Jonathan Joestar. He died in the ship, hugging the head of the Vampire Dio closed to his chest. Sometime passed, and now the show introduces the new Joestar. Joseph Joestar is the grandson of Jonathan. It turns out that Erina was with child when Jonathan died. The daughter she bore married the kid she saved from the fallen ship. Both married and had Joseph. Joseph is a bit different from his predecessor. He has a fiery personality. He also has a gun ho attitude. Meaning that he is not afraid to make use of the tummy gun in a public pase. I like how he is completely out of his mind.

As it turns out, one of the Ripple monks was jealous of Dio. He wanted to avoid old age, and become a vampire. He kept this secret desire to himself. After all, the only known vampire mask was destroyed or so they thought. I thought it was really cool the introduction of that ancient vampire. As it turns out, there is more than one mask. While fishing for oil in the Mexican jungle, Speedwagon discovered an ancient Mayan ruin. There slept an ancient vampire. The walls of his crypt were decorated by vampire masks. Speedwagon had called the other ripple users to help him kill the sleeping vampire. However, Strait killed them all to steal the mask.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

He did not enjoy his victory very long because the sleeping vampire freaked him out. The blood that fell on the altar began to be absorbed by the roots of the sleeping vampire. To prevent the vampire from awakening, Strait threw the dead bodies down the river. He later went to kill Joseph. Joseph was visiting England with his Grandma. A Gangster told him about Speedwagon's death. After hearing this, Joseph began to wait for the vampire to come to him... with a tummy gun. That is a traditional weapon for Americans of the Prohibition period. They certainly loved those guns.

What I found cool was how Strait removed the bullets out of his body. The battles with the grenades was also interesting. Joseph knew that Strait knew the ripples. Thus, he took a tummy gun and some grenades to deal with the vampire. Sometime passes and the war begins. The Nazis catch win of the Pillar Man. They imagine that the sleeping Vampire was their perfect man. Thus, in their search for perfectionism, they get the sleeping vampire out of the Mayan ruins.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Elizabeth Joestar, anime girl

Needless to say, they managed to awaken him. They thought he was a brute because he scented the air. I liked how he got inside the ventilation vent. It was really freaky how he twisted, and contorted his body. I think the Nazi guy named, the beast Satana. Its a fusion of the name of the location were they found him, Santa Anna. Oh, I forget, I think Joseph gets wind that Speedwagon survived. He was being held for questioning by the Nazis who were curious about the Masks.

Other than that, we had a pretty cool bloody battle. Satana was made to fight a vampire created by one of the masks. It seems that Satana was going to be eaten by the Vampire. However, he completely absorbed him into his body. Needless to say, the mask were meant to create by Satana. Vampires are his main source of food. Well, vampires and other humans.

Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Elizabeth Joestar

If you think about it, the whole vampires who eat other vampires is original to Jojo's Bizarre adventure. After all, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure predates Trinity Blood for more 15 years. Heck, I even think they made up the whole, Nazi vampires things. You remember, the Hellsing OVA's main bad guys were Nazi vampires?  Well, back to the story. Jojo after hearing that Speedwagon was captive infiltrated the Nazi concentration camp. He entered in mid of Satana's rampage.

Anyhow, he entered the body of a human. The Nazi general told them to shoot at the guy. Satana took the bullets into his bodies and shot them back. He used his fingers as if they were a guns. You know, Satana was imitating the humans in an attempt to learn of this time period. Jojo blocked the bullets using the hair of the Nazi general. You heard me, hair! Jojo mastered pretty early, the power off the Ripples. He is a natural.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure,Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli,Joseph Joestar

Now, that is the end of the first two episodes. You got to admit that, it is a great beginning of a second season. So yea,h I recommend to you chibis Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I am certain that you will like it a lot. There are vampires, family, love, romances and Nazis. Its a wonder why they took forever to animated this awesome show. Oh! Well, like I said before Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is still a 5 stars worthy anime show. Its still got a tons of episodes coming in the future.

Heck, the manga of Jojo is still an ongoing series. I liked the new presentation. It was pretty pink and Carnavalish. It had a lot of tropical colors. From time to time, a mysterious lady shows up in the presentation. From what I read, she is Elizabeth Joestar. Now, we have two Joestars to face the threat. Also, the blonde kid is the Grandson of Zeppeli.

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Joseph Joestar


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