The Purpose of Rating Agencies

The Purpose of Rating Agencies You know, today I finally learned why rating agencies exist. From what I head, rating agencies ca...

 phi star rating

The Purpose of Rating Agencies

You know, today I finally learned why rating agencies exist. From what I head, rating agencies came into being for the sake of protecting the consumer (or you). Whatever gets a low rating is dangerous to your life and limb. Whatever receives 5 stars is the best of the best.

I been thinking a lot about the 5 star of this and that. After all, a 5 star hotel is not the same for every person. If you are poor then a 5 star hotel is not a place for your to visit. Still, it is not too uncommon for these places to bring out the best of the best only to the rating agencies. In this fashion, a 3 star easily can become a 5 star. You know, by weighing the die.

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Such a thing obviously would be unethical. However, I learned that rating agencies get payed more for 5 stars than for any other star. Thus, there is an incentive to give out 5 stars to high paying 3 star places. I, being a non profit rating agency, lie free of such influence. So, my ratings are purely unbiased. Then again,calling a one man show, a rating agency is a bit presumptuous, but whatever. Bro did after all help me set up this lil blog. So I guess between us two, we have enough man power to be considered an agency.

Still, I must admit that I would love to get payed for giving 5 star rating to people that do not deserve it. But, alas I am not that well known yet... Which is such a pity. Well, off I go my lil chibis. Into the netherworld, to seek out anything and everything that is 5 star worthy. Tata and goodnight!!


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