Pious Atheist

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Pious Atheist

I was watching Dexter the other day and I saw quite the fascinating scene. The atheist that was gonna get killed by Travis had written a book about a passage in the Bible. After hearing his lil speech, I started thinking... why use a passage in the Bible as proof that there is no God?

Have you noticed that all atheist base all their argument on the Bible? Why not disprove the Baghavad Gita, the Koran, La Ley del Ifa, Plato's Republic, The Book of Formation, ect? I am not gonna claim to be an expert in non belief (hehehe). From my experience,  I grown to equate atheism with my terrible experiences in Cuba.

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What I have noticed is that they always go out of their way to disprove the religion of their peers. If their parents are protestants, then they are atheist in a protestant fashion. The same applies to atheist of other religions. So in a strange way, they are pious about their atheism because they only focus on one concept of God. This thought has been in the back of my mind ever since I read "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" (you know, the book that inspired Hitler). Its funny the mixed messages that the Germans got during WWI. They gave them Nietzsche (damn he was an ugly son of a Gun. In all his photos he looks angry) and Calvinism (another super stiff. Really, he was so stiff that he was exiled) to read in the Barracks. When you put the Protestant Interpretation of the Bible and atheist work of Nietzsche together,  you get the holocaust.

Eh... whatever! I just wanted to share this fragmented thought with you. I am not big on either atheism or orthodoxy. I am more into salads of belief. After all, we will only find out whats, what in the end of days. When the end comes, regardless of who shows up, I will know how to speak to it. Worst case scenario, I will simply become nothing more than entropy (which is unlikely).Besides, you can use anything to prove anything. Everyone, is always trying to stuff their agendas down my throat. And frankly I am tired! I will not be a slave to either. In the end, both are systems of control. The true Zarathustra, the true pious of pious are few ,if any, in this rotten world.

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Now that I think of it, I am tempted to delete this blog. Cause, I really don't care about other people's belief.  I just don't care!

Now... to publish or not to publish? That is the question...Ah! What the hell! Lets not waste bad writing. Hope, you like my pious pictures. Nyak, Nyak...  Frankly, its easier to write about belief than non belief. Atheism is no fun at all. They have no monster in the closet...

Plus, they start all their sci fi experiments under the assumption that God does not exist. Any data that goes contraire to their theory they discard it. For this very reason, I don't believe in anything that those corrupt atheist scientist publish.

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They rely too much on their 5 senses. Science is based on observation. Their studies already proved that the information we get from the 5 senses is limited. So how could fragmented knowledge be considered ultimate truth !? Damn! This is turning into a blog in response to atheism. I mean if you do not believe in something, why spend all your time trying to prove your right? Is it that they are not certain about about God's absence? You know what... they should have a lil blind faith in their belief that God does not exists... hahahahahah!!!! (no offense hehehe...)

In conclusion, I hope this random blog humored you a bit. Now,  let me publish this before I think of something anti scientific to say. I am not saying science is wrong. But relativity (Albert Einstein fancy optic concept ) wise, the universe revolves around the earth. Meditate on that for tonight.

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  1. No, friend, atheism doesn't attempt to "disprove religion". You can disprove the existence of God any more than you can disprove the existence of the Easter Bunny.

    There are two types of atheists: those that don't care what others believe and simply don't believe because there's no good reason to. And two, the type that wants equal rights for all and so, spends time debunking other religions.

    It just seems that Christianity is being hit the hardest (and Islam too, in fact) because those two religions are the ones causing the most trouble. Hindus or Sikhs don't go around legislating laws in favour of their beliefs.

    Think about it a bit deeper. People who say they don't care what others believe generally don't want to get into a discussion and would just rather not think about the issue at all. But really, the issue is there, and we should be dealing with it. (:


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