Meditations on He Who Exist

 god moses bush

Meditations on He Who Exist

Yesterday, at the Christmas party, I was talking with my brother. Circumstances had kept us apart for most of the time. So, we engage various subjects. After, completely exhausting our entire arsenal of known knowledge we stumble upon the eternal question. We began our analysis with the burning bush scene. When Moses asked God, "Who are you?" God answered, " I am what I am". In other words, he is the phrase "I am". Syntax wise, "I am" is what exist. It is the first person that describes the state of existence. Like, when they ask you what is your name is? Your answer  is " I am so and so". God, on the other hand, is "I am". Following this train of thought, God is what exist.

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Now, lets zoom back a bit. In the beginning, God was the only thing that existed. That is why his name is " I am". I am embodies all of existence. I am this, I am that, I am, describes all states of being. Hinduism has a similar concept, only Brahma is real. The rest is a manifestation of it. All religious that I have studied ( the Asian, the western  (from polytheism to Protestantism ) and a bit of the Africans), have everything boiled down to 1 from which all came.

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Ok, we already have defined that God was the only thing that existed back then. We visualized this by  seeing God as a White Room. It was all whiteness and empty. Nothing existed beyond it. " I am existence, nothing exist beyond me". I.. I .. Now, I imagine that you are the only thing that exist. Since all emotions, heck, everything exist within one, then obviously loneliness and yearning also exist within yourself.

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According to a Kabalist reading of Genesis, God had tried to create the world 7 times. However, each time he made it, it came out too perfect. Because it was a perfect replica of God, it was soon swallowed up into the original. It is safe to say, that God wanted something distinct but similar to him. You know... someone he could relate to. He was trying to give birth to "you". Needless, to say whatever he made came out too perfect.

 creation of adam

In order to create something other than himself, God had to corrupt his creation. Without corruption, we could not exist as separate beings from God. The first being that God made in his likeness was Adam. In Kabalah, the first man is called Adam Kadmon, which means the primal man or the first. Eventually, "The First" was filled with the same yearning as its creator. He wanted something other than himself, like himself but different. Thus, God split  "The First" into two, man and women. You know the rest of the story.

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So basically, our existence is defined by the other. We are always filled with the desire of having someone like us. We have this desire because it was part of "The First". My brother and I also notice that God is in a process of putting limits upon himself. To get closer to humans, he eventually had to become human. YHWH, was the name of a local Canaanite deity. He took this name because the Israelites were familiar with the name.

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You could say that he is very considerate. He always seems to be putting limits on himself. Considering what YHWH did in the desert, I guess it is not too uncommon for him to take the identities of deities familiar to people. In the Baghavad Gita, Krisna said he was the Shiva of the monks, the Demonlord of the demons ect. Allah was the name of the high God of the Meccan pantheon. Different names, one entity.

In conclusion, a rose by any other name is still a rose. You can worship the same God by a whole bunch of names, in millions of fashion. In the end, all that matters is that you are God minded. That is the conclusion, that bro and I arrived after debating the matter for like 20 minutes.


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