John William Waterhouse of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Part 4: Greek II
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A Mythological Painting by John William Waterhouse |
This one is called "A Naiad" (1905). A Naiad is a fresh water river nymph. Their rivers are said to have prophetic powers. So here, a Naiad is looking upon a forest dweller. These forest dwellers became more common as the wealth of Athens increased. They despised the corruption in the city. Thus, they went to live in the forest as a shepherd or a bard. This one with a leopard skin is sleeping near the Naiad river. He might have a prophecy real soon. The scenery is basically a forest and a lake. In any case, this painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Not Taking no for an Answer |
The next painting is taken from Ovid's Metamorphosis. Its called "Apollo and Daphne" . Basically, Apollo was flying his carriage and thus saw Daphne combing her hair near the water. Daphne was a pretty nymph. He fell in love. The problem was that she hated Apollo's guts. He did not take no for an answer; so her started chasing after her. Eventually, Daphne asked her father to save her from Apollo. To keep her safe, her father turned her into a Laurel tree. In this moment, Daphne has started to turn into a Laurel tree as Apollo finally catches up to her. Apollo is focused on her frightened expression. He has yet to realize that she is turning into a laurel tree.
Well, this incident happened while Apollo was a young God. After loosing his loved one he wore her Laurel crown to always remember her. He was a slave to his passions and thus lost the girl he desired. Had he been less crazy about it then might have been able to woo Daphne( this is an unlikely scenario cause Daphne was struck by a leaden arrow). Its interesting the Contrast between Daphne and Apollo. Her dark colors show revulsion and fear. Apollo's red is for passion and love. He has a sure step about him. Ok, as for symbols, Apollo only has his lire to work with. Scenery, we have we have the laurel tree, the river and a lil mountain. I think that is everything. 5 stars for Waterhouse's painting.
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Sleeping Peacefully with two leopards |
The next painting is called "Ariadne". Ariadne lived in the Island of Minos. She gave Theseus a thread to make his way through the minotaur maze. In this one, Ariadne is resting in her garden. She has two leopards sleeping with her. Those are some fancy pets. In the background, we see Theseus's ships arriving. The scenery in the garden is not half bad. In any case, this lil painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Watch the wind blow |
This "Boreas" is another windy painting. Basically, a maiden with a veil is been bathed by the wind. In any case, this painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Flower Picking, brush strokes Impressionistic. |
The next painting is called Flora. Basically, a Greek maiden is gathering flowers. There is nothing else to it. The brushstrokes are very loose. In any case, this painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Windy in the garden with Zephyrs playing with Flora |
The next painting is called "Flora and the Zephyrs" (1898). This painting shows Zephyrs of the Wind and Flora the flower Goddess. Zephyrs looks cool floating about Flora and her pals. This painting is really cool with so much movement. Its cute how Zephyrs is putting a garland of white roses around Flora. Its very cute. In any case, this painting deserves 5 star rating.
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The reason why singers need bodyguards |
This one is called "Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus". Basically, Orpheus had been slain by all his fan girls. The nymphs found only his head intact next to his lire. In this scene, his head and lire is passing by the water nymphs. Both nymphs look very pretty. Orpheus's head is also gorgeous. Their dress is pretty nice. In any case, this painting of Waterhouse deserves 5 star rating.
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Psyche in the Garden of Love |
This painting is called "Psyche Opening the Door into Cupids Garden". Psyche is the wife of Cupid. Psyche at one time was worshiped over Aphrodite. The Goddess got jealous so she got Cupid to curse her. Cupid sent his arrows. However, he accidentally shot himself. He fell in love with Psyche. To keep her safe, he took her to his garden. He kept a mask on himself to sleep with her (to keep his identity a secret). In this painting, Psyche has just arrived into Cupid's garden. She is wearing a pink dress and has a red rose (given to her by Cupid). She looks cute with her red hair. Her name means spirit. She is a representation of the human soul. In any case, this lovely painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Psyche in a Dark forest opens her box |
This one is called " Psyche Opening the Golden Box" . One can easy draw a parallel with Pandora opening her box. When Psyche opened hers she entered a death like sleep. She had been forbidden from opening this box. However, this was the last trail from Aphrodite in order to prove she was worthy of Cupid. In this state, Psyche could never be with Cupid. Cupid seeing her mother's trap went to speak with Zeus. After speaking with him, Zeus agreed to make Psyche a Goddess. Cupid had only one child with Psyche called Voluptas (or pleasure). Anyhow, Waterhouse has Psyche opening the box. You can already see the nauseous gases sipping out. Its cute how she is peeping inside. She is in the darkest forest. Near her, there are some lil flowers. It really is quite the pretty painting. In any case, this painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Sleep and Death personified |
The next painting is called "Sleep and his half brother Death" (1874). You know, I heard that they where twins. Oh well...Sleep is called Hypnos and his brother is Thanatos. Ok, Thanatos is the boy in the darkness. He has the shadow of death , aka algor mortis. Meaning, he is starting to get that greenish color. His legs also look stiff. Next to Thanatos there is a lire. I suppose the lire is there to contrast with his brother's flutes. Aside from the Lire, Thanatos is sporting the laurel leafs of victory. It makes sense cause death triumphs over all.
As for Hypno, he looks so full of life. He has so much color in his cheeks. His is the refreshing sleep. While his brother is the eternal sleep. Hypno has some poppy flowers. Poppy flowers are used to derive opium. Opium is a good sleep tonic , thus is a good symbol for Hypno. Its a bummer that Hypno is resting hs head on Thanatos. I guess we all sleep while using our dead as a pillow...creepy. Well, the place is a regular Greek bedroom. Further from Thanatos, we see an intense stand and an open window. It is night time... In any case, Waterhouse's brilliant depiction of sleep and death deserves 5 star rating.
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Moody Merman stranded on the Beach |
Well, we have mermaids. Here Waterhouse painted a merman. He looks kinda moody. The brushstrokes are seriously loose. I think he got stranded on the beach. Toward the far left, I see a human looking at the merman. In the beach, I see two dogs (?). This one is weird. In any case, this painting with its loose brushstrokes deserves 5 star rating.
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Undine invoking a curse upon her lover |
The next cutie is called Undine. Undine is a water nymph. From what I know, Undine would loose her immortality if she slept with a man. She did fall in love. However, one day she came home and found him with another woman. She cursed him with sleep apnea (i.e your automatic system forgets to have you breathe while you sleep). Here the nymph in the fountain is lamenting her ill luck. She lost immortality for nothing. Look at her mournful expression... Behind her, you can half see her lover getting out of the stables with the other woman. He seems alarmed by the curse that she is invoking. Her long curly blonde hair is very pretty. It truly is quite the pretty 5 star worthy painting.
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Hylas and his love Nymphs |
This one is "Hylas and the Nymphs" (1896). Hylas was the companion of Herakles. All the nymphs of the lake had fallen in love with him. They lured him to the water. He either drowned or is now living as a very happy man. Here we see all the nymphs looking at Hylas. Two of them are pulling him into the water. They all look really pretty. All pale nymphs look individualized. Since Waterhouse sported realism, its a good a guess as any that these pale maidens existed in the real world. In any case, this painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Summer youth and fine weather |
The next painting is called "Listen to my Sweet Pipping". So basically, a lil nude boy is playing the pipe for a lady. She is resting casually on top of the grass. Around them, there is nature. It is truly quite the lovely painting. In any case, this painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Ancient Greek genre painting |
The next painting is called " Maidens Picking Flowers by a Stream". The one in the foreground is more defined than the others in the background. The scenery is rather pretty with all the flowers. In any case, this painting of Waterhouse is 5 star worthy.
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Pandora opening her box |
The next painting is called "Pandora". Here Pandora is opening her box. Inside, the pestilence is getting out. Its interesting the blueish color of her skin. The box is golden and luxurious. Her blue dress is dark and mysterious. You remember, Pandora was a gift to the male humans. When she opened her box death came. All that was left was hope. Sounds cute... In any case, Waterhouse's painting deserves 5 star rating.
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Listening to through the wall |
This one is "Thisbe aka the Listener" (1909). Thisbe had a lover boy that lived in the next room. She always spoke with him through a hole in the wall. Here she is listening through the wall. Her red dress is very pretty. She has laid down her needlework to listen. Truly, this wonderful painting of Greek love deserves 5 star rating.
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Creepy bird ladies landing on Ulysses's ship |
The next one is "Ulysses and the Sirens". Basically, Ulysses wanted to hear the Sirens. Thus, he had his soldiers tie him up. These Sirens are a bit different from the fish sirens we come to know. These ones have bird forms. They look rather creepy pecking about. The ship looks a lot like a genuine ancient Greek ship. If you notice, the soldiers have different colored rags around their head to still the sound of the sirens. Overall, its a pretty dynamic painting. 5 stars for Waterhouse.
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Snake Lady shedding her skin |