Ron Mueck Part 3

 Ron Mueck Baby

Ron Mueck Part 3

Hi, folks!! Today is my last Mueck blog (until further notice). As usual, I left the best for last. So sit back and enjoy the ride (or at least pretend to be interested). So yeah, we all love looking at babies. For that reason, I decided to begin with this cute lil baby sculpture. Like kittens, a lot of babies are born with blue eyes. Later on the dominant brown and black eyes become the phenotype. As you noticed this cute baby is looking at a random something or other. His gaze is meant to engage the onlookers. In any case, Mueck's lil baby is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck  footsteps

Whoa, this is one super cool sculpture. Isn't it amassing. That tux leg is gonna crush us lil people. You got to admit that this is one incredible sculpture. 5 stars for Ron Mueck.

 Ron Mueck sculpture

The next sculpture shows a giant dwarf lady carrying a lot of branches. Her face and anatomy is like those of a dwarf. However, she is taller than you and I. Its funny if you think about it. A Giant Dwarf!! Hahaha !!5 stars.

 Ron Mueck sculpture

Here we see a full grown man inside some cloth. His pose and the way he is wrapped up resembles a baby. He also looks like an old man. Old age is called the second childhood, at the end of our lives we become like lil children dependent on the young and healthy to survive. This sculpture captures the feel of utter helplessness at one's old age. For this reason, this sculpture of Ron Mueck deserves 5 star rating.

 Ron Mueck mongrel

This is one freaky looking something. I remember seeing this on the internet asking myself if these things existed or not. Now I know that this is a Mueck Sculpture. This animal looks like a human x dog chimera. Very freaky... for originality this monster and its cubs is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck mother

The next sculpture shows a mother looking at her sleeping new born baby that is on top of her belly. The sleeping baby still has his umbilical cord attached to his belly. That cord has yet to be cut from his mama. Her tired haggard expression shows that she has just finished labor like 5 mins ago. The highlights in her forehead looks a lot like sweat. Even her hair looks sweaty. Anyhow, she deserves 5 star rating.

 Ron Mueck  sculpture

The next sculpture shows a pregnant woman in her final week. That round belly looks so realistic. Don't you think this is pretty cool? I think this one is twice our height. In any case, Ron Mueck deserves 5 stars.

 Ron Mueck prune

Another human dog chimera. I think this weird thing is a pit bull. Behind him I can see a " no whatever this is" sign. You got to admit that this thing looks pretty cool. Anyhow, Ron Mueck is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck realism

Eh... look at this close up of this sleepy head. I like the 5 o clock shadow on this giant sleepy head. Truly, Mueck deserves 5 star rating for this piece.

 Ron Mueck sculpture

Above we have a distressed looking head. This one also looks sweaty around the forehead area. Just how do you make a statue sweat? Another thing that I like are the gums of this statue. Its bottom teeth are uneven. I think imperfections is what makes a piece more realistic. If you did not know that this was a sculpture, would you confuse it with a real person? No..? Lair! In any case, this worry head is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck art

Eh... the same lil old women. Here Mueck is fixing one of their nose. Eh...5 stars.

 Ron Mueck youth

The next sculpture shows young boy checking out his wound. He has just been stabbed and he is checking out to see how the severity of the wound. If you noticed his shirt has a red mark. The blood looks very real. This sculpture alludes to the tragedy of gang violence. One gets stab when one least expects it. His surprised expression shows that he really did not see this coming. This poor boy is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck art

Oh Woah!! This sculpture looks pretty cool. This sculpture looks like a guy in the pool. He is rather average size and I seen people take photos next to this sculpture. From all of Mueck's work, this one seems like the must fun. You got to admit that this is pretty random. In any case, this is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck chicken

This is one strange dead chicken. This is truly quite random. I think this chicken is life size. I do not know what to make of it (aside from Mueck's desire to weird us out). He takes something commonplace and makes it huge. In any case, this weird chicken is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck art

Eh... I promise that his is the last time I show this harry guy!!

 Ron Mueck art

You remember this lil couple. Based on the hands you can tell this couple is really small. Both do seem to be sleeping so peacefully. In any case, this is 5 star worthy.

 Ron Mueck art

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this Ron Mueck blog. I know that you young folks are not into this artsy stuff. But I promise that there are some interesting things out there that are worth checking out. For this reason, I put this weird chimera to wrap things up. It looks like a mixture of a human and that weird lil ferret thing from the lion king (you know Timon). In any case, Ron Mueck is a 5 star worthy artist.
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Post a Comment

  1. The surreal sculptures (the "dogwoman" and the last one) were actually made by Patricia Piccini, not Mueck.

    Greetings :D

  2. Oh really, thank you for telling me.

  3. the "pant's" or "tux" sculpture you are referring to is not a Mueck sculpture either. it is called "Karma" bu Do Ho Suh.


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