A Hatsune Miku Scary Halloween

A Hatsune Miku Scary Halloween Halloween is a scary time. To frighten the spooks away we dress up as monster and ghouls to make fu...

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

A Hatsune Miku Scary Halloween

Halloween is a scary time. To frighten the spooks away we dress up as monster and ghouls to make fun of our fears. But you know, what I am really afraid  of is today's' awful economy. That is a monster that we are all dealing with. It is my hope this Hatsune Miku Halloween Blog helps you forget about your daily toils and miseries.

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

As some of you might not know, Hatsune Miku is slowly entering the US media in a new and popular for. She is the spokesperson of the Japanese hologram technology. The days of Star Wars holographic techs are here and now. 

In the first anime picture, we have Hatsune Miku dressed as a witch. This is a classical girl Halloween costume. It is said that during Halloween witches come out of their lairs to feast on the flesh of our young tender children. To drive them away we must offer them candy ( or else we get tragedy).

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

The second anime picture is a simple Happy Halloween Vocaloid poster with Hastune Miku and Megumi Luka. This one above has Miku in another witch outfit. Behind her I can see the Kagamine Twins and some chibi Vocalois characters. Around the moon I can see chibi Miku flying on top of a broom. In any case, these three anime pictures are 5 star worthy .

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

You know, by the time I finish this, I think Halloween is gonna be done and over with. Ah... writing is such a time consuming process. Eh... I can't be helped. As for the jack o lanterns, they are derived from an urban legend about the pumpkin king. You know I tried looking for the original Pumpkin King story but all the google searches kept bringing up Jack Skelliton into the picture. Oh well... 5 stars for the pretty Miku we all know and love.

 Vocaloid Halloween anime

Above we have Hatsune Miku as a witch and Rin Kagamine as murderous vampire. The Happy Hello Ween has a lot of dynamic elements. The characters seem to be coming out of the picture. Another, 5 stars.

 Vocaloid Halloween anime

The next anime picture is rather simple. It only has a few pumpkin decorations. Another, 5 stars.

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

The next anime wallpaper has Miku as a witch girl, Rin as her nekomimi familiar and Luka as a Succubus. This trio looks pretty cool and they are 5 star worthy.

You know what, I am been feeling a bit down... Things never do turned out as one planned. I am here trying to forget about my daily nightmare. But alas, you do not want to hear of it. Phi stars is about what is good out there in the universe. I am afraid that my  personal life is not 5 star worthy.

Enough deviation... back to the main subject at hand. Here Miku appears as a witch girl from the Harry Potter variety. She is using her leek as her wand. In any case, this Vocaloid Halloween Wallpaper deserves 5 stars.

 Vocaloid Halloween anime

These are some fine Victorian lookign Chibis. 5 stars for the Vocaloid Twins and Hatsune Miku.

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

You know I tried listening one time to Miku singing and I swear to God that after 5 seconds I was ready to shoot myself . Her voice is so unbelievably squeaky. Needless to say, that only her silent anime wallpaper persona is 5 star worthy. I do not care if the world says that her singing is good. For me that robo voice is not 5 star worthy. Ok, onto the pretty quiet Hatsune Miku. Silence for her in my opinion truly is a virtue. Anyhow, 5 stars for Pumpkin Miku.

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

Above we see Hatsune Miku in an emo dress. She is drinking wine in an ominous vampire fashion. This Happy Halloween 2010 Vocaloid Poster looks pretty cool. In any case, she deserves 5 stars.

 Vocaloid Halloween anime

Above Hatsue Miku is wearing a traditional kimono with horns on her head. With the lantern she is pretending to be a traditional Japanese Omi demons. They walk around at night with lanterns that under the mist bear the resemblance of Will-o-Witts (or bubble ghost). In any case, she gets 5 stars.

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

In the next anime picture, Miku is wearing a traditional Halloween Emo wich girl dress. Behind her is the classical dead tree + the cat familiar. I can see candy inside her Jack O Lantern. Anyhow, another 5 stars for Hatsune Miku.

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

In this anime picture Miku is wearing a similar Halloween Costume to the one we saw before. She also has the pumpkin head. However, she is kissing the pumpkin instead of filling it up with candy. Anyhow, this pretty picture gets 5 stars.

 Vocaloid Halloween anime

Isn't this cute?  I find it cute how her tail is holding up a lil lantern. This darling of a Halloween Vocaloid Anime Picture deserves 5 star rating.

 Vocaloid Halloween chibi

However, from all the anime pictures I seen, this one is the one I like best. Look at Kaito and Miku putting ice cream on top of a Pumpkin. Chibis are such silly creatures. In any case, this chibi Halloween moment gets 5 stars.

 Vocaloid Halloween Miku

I hope that this has been an entertaining experience. Halloween may be over but we can look forward to it again next year ( if the world is not over by 2012). So, 5 stars to all my readers. Tata and good night. Thank You, Thank You Very Much!!!
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Post a Comment

  1. (/^-^)/
    Good job!
    I liked all of the pictures a lot.
    It seems that the world has lasted!


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