Pain and Gain Crime Movie Review

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Pain and Gain Crime Movie Review

Pain and Gain is one of those crime movies based on true events. Nothing beats reality, when it comes to evil deeds. Anyhow, the movie was about a bodybuilder criminal. He had just gotten out of jail for armed robbery. He claimed to have learned his lesson, but was denied an early release.

The whole Pain and Gain thing refers to the body builder’s mantra while he exercises. He must endure great pains in order to gain great strength. We all know building muscles, or exercising in general, is very painful. People do it for the benefits, not out of love for feeling pain. Though some masochist, do love feeling pain.

pain and gain,based on true events,movie review

The movie takes place in the 90s or late 80s. I forget. I do remember it took place in Florida. A lot of strange and bizarre crimes have occurred in Florida.

When he got out of jail, he applied for the job he knew best, bodybuilding. He followed the rule book for a couple of years. It was cute how he told the manager of his crime in a nonchalant fashion.  He promised his boss to increase his profit and he stayed true to his promise.

pain and gain,hot girl,cute girl

I found it hilarious how he did manage this. He gave free gym membership to strippers. This increased the paid membership of male gym goers tenfold, since they wanted to see the pretty ladies swimming in the pool.

As it usually happens, the bodybuilder got hungry for more. Since he wanted more money, he came up with several hair brain schemes to steal money. He got two more body builder friends involved. The logic behind his plans was that since they were body builders they could pull heists faster and better than any wimpy criminals.

micheal bay film,pain and gain,movie review

Part of the reason he returned to crime was because of a Chinese guy’s motivational speech. Needless to say, China man motivated the body builder into doing what he did best.

The movie chronicles from their first, bizarre success to how they were finally caught. Needless to say, the movie is pretty long, about 2 hours long to be exact. When the scenes became too weird, I found hilarious when the movie reminded you this was based on true events. Truly, Pain and Gain is a 5 stars worthy, hilarious crime movie based on true bizarre events.


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