Forget Paris Comedy Movie Review

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Forget Paris Comedy Movie Reviewed by Teresita Blanco

Forget Paris is quite the hilarious romantic comedy.  The film is told through the friends of the main characters. They all meet for dinner and they start talking about their favorite couple. The main character is a basketball referee called Mickey Gordon.  He flies to Paris to bury his dead father.

The trip to Paris turns sour when the airliner loses his dead father. I mean, how do you lose a coffin? He ends up befriending and falling in love with an agent from the airliner. Both end up having a lovely romance together. After their romance, they return to their regular lives.

The problem is that Gordon is having a hard time forgetting Paris. How their relationship develops is the centerpiece of this romantic comedy. The best line in the movie is “You ask for it, You got it, Toyota…”.  Watch the movie and find out who says the line. 


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