Herbert James Draper 1863 – 1920 English Painter Review

Herbert James Draper,mermaid,fishermen

Herbert James Draper 1863 – 1920 English Painter Review

I have already spoken much on Draper. The first painting shows the fishermen's rare catch. The sea maiden is very pretty. She is afraid of the leering fishermen. I know of no worse fate than being a fish out of water. In any case, this lovely painting by Herbert James Draper deserves 5 stars rating.

Bather,Herbert James Draper,cute girl

This cute painting features a Bather by the sea. She is trying out the water with her feet. This cutie by Herbert James Draper deserves 5 stars rating.

baby,Herbert James Draper,art history

In this painting, we see a sea maiden. She has a skirt of seaweed. She has found a baby inside a seashell. The baby looks very sweet. This beautiful maiden by Herbert James Draper deserves 5 stars rating.

Summer Seas,Herbert James Draper,cute girls

This painting is about the Summer Seas. Here two maidens are enjoying the seas. The scenery is pretty realistic. It deserves 5 stars rating.

Herbert James Draper,mermaid,fishes

Here is another pretty sea painting. A fish girl is chasing after some flying fishes. She seems to be having a lot of fun. This realistic painting by Draper deserves 5 stars rating.

melodies,Herbert James Draper,cute painting

This painting is about the music of the sea. These mermaids are hearing the music played by that poet. Judging their expression, the guy must be playing some good music. This painting appeals to the sense of sight, hearing and touch. Truly, it deserves 5 stars rating.

Herbert James Draper,5 stars,music

In this painting, a spirit of the fountain has appeared before this traveler. He came there to drink some water. Behind him, an old guy who looks like a wizard is reading a scroll. Apparently, he has already seen the Spirit. This lovely painting by Draper deserves 5 stars rating.

Herbert James Draper,Draper,mother

In this painting, a sea maiden has found a little boy. Both are playing by the sea. Their seaweed dress is very adorable. This candid painting by Herbert James Draper deserves 5 stars rating.

Kelpie,Herbert James Draper,landscape

In this painting, we see a maiden looking at something. From what I heard, the Kelpie was a water horse from Celtic lore. Apparently, she is looking at a water horse. All that matters is that this nature scenery is pretty realistic. Truly, this painting by Draper deserves 5 stars rating.

Herbert James Draper,sea maiden,dolphin

Here is another sea maiden. This one is ridding a dolphin. From what I heard, this painting sold pretty well. The maiden herself is very pretty. She seems to be enjoying life in the sea. Truly, it deserves 5 stars rating.

Herbert James Draper,Nymphs,forest

In this painting, we see a some maidens dancing in the forest. One of the boys is watching the maidens dancing. It is a very lovely scenery. 5 stars worthy.

Tristan,Isolde,Herbert James Draper

In this painting, Isolde has just drank the love potion. She is starting to feel its effects. Soon, she will fall in love with Tristan. She truly does look extremely pretty. The scenery is pretty realistic. This romantic painting deserves 5 stars rating. I hope that you liked these featured paintings.


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