Much ado About Ron Mueck Part 2

 ron Mueck baby

Much ado About Ron Mueck Part 2

Ah... my chibis, today is such a wonderful day. I wanna eat cookies!!! Which brings me to my next point : Ron Mueck. This blog has another truck load of Mueck Sculptures. If you liked the first Mueck blog then stick around to watch some more.

  Mueck dead dad

In any case, the first sculpture is a gaint Baby head. This Baby head is roughly 3 to 6 months old. His expression is serene and placid. It is a quite the observant baby. The size of this baby head is about 50% larger than an average size human. In any case, This Baby Head gets 5 stars.

 Mueck dead dad

The next sculpture has a dead man in a corner. His face is twisted in pain. Judging by the blue hues in the skin I must say that this is a drowned man. Drowning is not a pretty way to die. I would rather die a 1000 deaths than to drown once to death. It is a super scary death (and its partly the reason why I won't swim in the ocean anymore). Anyhow, this deserves 5 stars.

 Mueck dead dad

The next sculpture is a far away look from the sculpture that we saw in the second photo. This piece is called dead dad. As you can see, this is John Mueck's dead dad. By playing with the size of this dead man Mueck shows how small and pitiful death is. Dying is not pretty. Nor is it glorious or sweet.

 ron Mueck sculpture

Just look at the blueish tones in Dead Father. He really does look like a stiff. It must have been hard for Ron Mueck to replicate his father in this piece. However, it is usually pieces that are based on one's real life that has the greatest impact. For this reason, this powerful sculpture is 5 star worthy.

 ron Mueck sculpture

The next sculpture is a detail of something strange and bizarre. I could not find the owner of these monkey legs. This is truly quite the bizarre 5 star Mueck Sculpture.

 ron Mueck sculpture

Mueck titled this giant Sculpture Ghost. Based on the expression of this girl I can see why it was called Ghost. She is a Special Girl. Usually, special children live marginal lives and society at larges deems them unworthy of living among them. They are in essence living ghost. By making this special girl a giant, Mueck forces the viewer to pay attention to these special children. They are an important, productive members of our society that should not be neglected. This powerful insightful sculpture is 5 star worthy.

 Mueck  Swaddled Baby

The next sculpture is called Swaddled Baby. It is a lil baby wrapped up like a package. It gives me the impression of being a baby that is has been shipped through the mail. The way he is place has a certain fragile air about it. The size of this piece is very small. It seems that Mueck was trying to inspire pity in the hearts of the viewers. Moreover, this Swaddled Baby deserves 5 stars.

 ron Mueck studio

Above we see Ron Mueck in his workshop. He is making the clay cast for the giant worried Lady. As you noticed, the cast mold is bald. The reason for this is that Ron Mueck later adds the hair in the silicon piece. In any case, this deserves 5 stars.

 ron Mueck sculpture

The next sculpture is a head of a blonde gentleman. He looks like a rowdy cowboy. His gaze has a certain innocent air about it. It is the peasant simplicity that was admired by many years ago. This middle age man created by Mueck deserves 5 star rating.

 ron Mueck sculpture

The next photo shows Mueck adding the hair to one of his sculptures. This man seems full of disdain. He saw something unpleasant and he is turning his face in disgust. He is really not kind Mueck character. In any case, he deserves 5 star rating.

 ron Mueck sculpture

You remember this lil sculpture? We saw it in Mueck Part 1. I choose this photo because it gives you a better perspective of how small and fragile this sculpture is. In any case, this deserves 5 stars.

 ron Mueck sculpture

This is the sitting man rapped up and reading to go.

 ron Mueck sculpture

Above you can see the sitting's man hairy legs. In any case, these hairy legs deserves 5 star rating.

 ron Mueck sculpture

The next sculpture shows a head of a gang member. Like traditional gang members, he has an aggressive defiant glare. This posture is typical among territorial gang members (then again I never met a gang member that was not territorial). In any case, awesome rebel of Mueck deserves a 5 star rating.

 ron Mueck sculpture

The next bust shows an old hippie or rocker. I can tell he used to be a fun guy based on his lil braid. He has the same eyes of a rebel. In any case, this old man deserves 5 star rating.

 ron Mueck sculpture

The next photo shows a giant sculpture of an older gentlemen. He looks so grouchy sitting in a fetus position in a lil corner. He looks annoyed by the curious gaze of his admirer. It is truly quite the interesting piece. If he were smaller this sculpture would not captivate our gaze. Something about his behavior reminds me of a war veteran that spent 500 days in captivity. In any case, this frightened veteran is 5 star worthy.

 Mueck baby girl

The next sculpture is that of a newborn baby girl. You can see all over her body the remains of the placenta. Her expression is so much like that of a real baby. Plus, those lil toes are so cute. She quite the pretty newborn. Its pretty cool how this lady is admiring the new born girl. This giant baby is impressive. In any case, this newborn deserves 5 star rating.

 ron Mueck sculpture

This is a zoom in of the ailing lil old lady. She must be very cold. Anyhow, 5 stars.

 ron Mueck sculpture

I hope that this blog has not put you to sleep (like the head above). Aside from Mangaka and the fantasy artists, Ron Mueck is the first contemporary conventional artist that I feature in phi stars. Now that I think about it he is the first sculpture that I featured in this blog. In any case, I hope you enjoyed these sculptures. They are all 5 star worthy .
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Post a Comment

  1. This is exceptional! However, I can't still imagine the hard-work that was put to create a piece of art that will make you goose bumps. Can the owner apply for PCT patent applications for his invention?

  2. Yeah, it must take forever. Most artist have helpers.


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