Major Concerns about Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare

Major Concerns about Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare writer: Teresita Blanco My family has been greatly concerned by ObamaCare. It...

Pelosi, Obama Care, political cartoon

Major Concerns about Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare
writer: Teresita Blanco

My family has been greatly concerned by ObamaCare. Its literally making us sick, with worry, just thinking about it. We had the vague hopes that it would have blown over by now. Seeing as though the problem does not go away by itself, I feel compelled to tell you my concerns with this so called Affordable Care Act.

Recently, on TV I saw the premiums of the only six people that managed to subscribe to ObamaCare. Those people had to pay from $500 to $600 dollars a month, even with the promised subsidies. Its a major wonder why the Obama administration considers those prices affordable. With this economy, most would be working just to pay for a health insurance that they may or may not need.

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Think about it, they call this an affordable health care, however, most people cannot afford to waste $500 bucks on something they may not use, in the near future. Another point against this act lies in the fact that I do not want government to tell me how to deal with my health concerns. At this point in my life, I am as healthy as a horse. I do need treatment as of yet. Thus, why must healthy people be forced to pay for something they would not use, until they turn 50. By that age, most would qualify for Medicare.

Speaking of Medicare, the Affordable Care Act would take money from Medicare to ease the financial burdens created by ObamaCare. A lot of old people who used to have great coverage, overnight would loose their benefits. We can all agree that old people need health care, most of all. Why must they suffer in order to force everyone to get a health care they may not need or cannot afford?

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This health care act also includes a panel of medical experts. These bureaucrats would decide what kind of treatment the patient must get. Think about it, who understands better the patients needs, a bureaucrat or his personal doctor?

Speaking of needs and services, this health care too works like any regular insurance. If a person has many illnesses, their premium skyrockets. As such, if the patient smokes, has a congenital disease, ect. they would have to pay a lot. So tell me, how does this health care act truly alleviate the overwhelming amount of health care dept?

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Also, this new amount of patients would create a terrible strain for doctors. We simply lack the infrastructure to treat 10 million new patients. At worst, we may end up with an assembly line systems. What good will this health care do, when the quality of treatments suffer, due to overcrowded hospitals?

Imagine this little scenario: Lets say a robber entered your house and shot you in the gut. You call 911 and wait for an ambulance. They tell you that one should arrive between 5 and 10 hours. Long story short, you bleed to death. Why do you think the ambulance did not arrive? With so many patients, naturally it would take an eternity or two for an ambulance to become available.

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Another issue has to with the doctors. ObamaCare requires that all medical facilities offer everything. However, most clinics specialize in one sort of health care or other. Overnight, a lot of businesses would not have the money to upgrade. Their only choice would be to close down shop. This ObamaCare would cause a huge wave of unemployment.

This same wave could also expand to other kinds of employment. Think about it, you may be the best at whatever; however, the moment you sneeze your employer might fire you. Many a times employers do not hire people that look unhealthy. After all, a sick employee does not win his company any money. Keeping this in mind, an affordable solution for such companies would be to outsource. ObamaCare would thus create a new wave of outsourcing.

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This new wave would not be too noticeable. The jobs that would be lost would simply get replaced by the government, bureaucratic jobs created as a result of ObamaCare. Remember, to implement this law, it would require a massive bureaucratic body. These bureaucrats would decide, based on money, the kinds of premium that the patients deserves. Such bureaucrats would take the health care decisions away from the patients and the doctors. What if they decide that it would be cheaper to pull the plug?

I do not want the government to have power over my body. If I get sick, I should be the one who decides whether I get treatment. This Health Care Act would compel everyone to go to the doctor, in-spite of their personal desires. After all, illnesses have nothing to with the government. When we get sick, it becomes a personal matter. This government intervention infringes on our rights to privacy. Why should it matter to the government if I want to get health care or not?

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If you ask me, they should call this act, the Unaffordable Care Act. To make matters worse, the Obama administration wants to add new taxes on top of the Health care act. At this rate, most of our salaries will end up getting consumed.

My fellow Americans, remember what happened to the European Union? The UN started to crumble the moment they went socialist and gave everyone health insurance. Take the hint and do not let history repeat itself! Americans cannot afford this so called "Affordable" Care Act.

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Read between the lines: We do not need more government intervention. We do not need big government to tell us how to manage our bodies. Do not buy into the government propaganda! At times like this, I wish we had a Republican Majority. Don't forget your promise, my fellow Republican party. You promised to save us from Big government. Do not give into the president. This insurance problems should be left up to the free market. The demand side of the equation will guarantee affordable health care. It would cause far too much unemployment and uncertainty the ObamaCare implementations.

As for my fellow Democrats, I understand that you must show party loyalty. However, it would be irresponsible to support a law that would harm the very people you are trying to save. Do not send your constituents like lambs to the slaughter house, simply because you need your party's help to get reelected.

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Lastly, I want to speak of the A.C.A.'s website. I think the Obama administration got the raw end of the deal. They got tricked into wasting 20 million dollars on a website, that does not even work. A WordPress website, mind you! A website of that magnitude, at most, should have only cost 2 million.

This situation reminded me of the SOPA or PIPA fiasco. Some Hollywood companies tricked Congress into creating a law that censors the Internet, in a way that would make those companies filthy rich. Once again, the administration's lack of computer savvy has hurt them ill. From the beginning, they should have asked Google, Oracle and other major Internet computer companies for help. Instead, they choose to trust a contractor, from God knows where, to managed their ailing website. Heck, even paying for the health care website does not seem too affordable.

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Taking everything into consideration, the ObamaCare seems like a really, really bad idea. If you ask me, I think the president keeps insisting on it because it bears his name. I guess he wants to go down history, as the president who gave health care to everyone. Frankly, I doubt that my family would be able to afford health care, even with the promised subsidies.

I know because I read up on the premiums. An infomercial in CNN postulates the cheapness of ObamaCare. However, for a person earning 50,000 they would have to pay 9 percent of their salary to get coverage. Such a claim does not take into consideration the scenario where that single person supports a family of 5, or maybe 10 people. When you add all his family members into the equation, that person might end up wasting 20 or even 30 percent of their salary on health care. At the end of the day, we all may celebrate that at least we have our health, when our bank accounts run dry because of ObamaCare.

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