Excessive in Writing Fiction: Fragments 1-7 by Teresita Blanco


Excessive in Writing Fiction: Fragments 1-7 by Teresita Blanco

Editor's Note:

I've been desiring to start writing a lil' bit of fiction. This blog has a series of lil narrative exercises to get some practice. Hopefully, as time passes, some of my writing might get longer. The writing is 100% mine. The pictures are simply decorations. Do with them what you will.


Fragment 1 

Day and day out. The same sky is falling. Again and again, I relive my final hour. I cannot recognize my new face. It is a mist, a fog, a ghost. Why was it all for? Sitting down, I listen for a familiar sound. Nothing... The factory's production has tripled. Despite that, we cannot master enough machinery to keep those beast at bay... They are evolving too quickly!!! It is only a matter of time until we loose utter control... I am only one among the many. A digit, a one and nothing more.


Fragment 2: The Waiting

Sitting down by the river, Lil Hymth is watching waiting. Up, there goes a fish. Swing and a miss. Lil Hymth has fallen. Her curly chestnut hair now lies straighten, wet. Drying the edges of her lil dress, with a giggle she resumes her old pose. She waits, waits... no, not this one, thinks Lil Hymth. Frowning, lil Hymth rises and yawns. The day sun slowly turns to night. Where is that slowpoke?


Fragment 3: The Ammo 

Harvesting the Ammo is no easy task. They can only be secured in that dark murky lake in the Tropical Side of Power. The journey itself is but a minor hassle. First, we exit the residential quarters. After a five day journey, in real time speed, we arrive at the Dark Side of Power. This place must always be crossed to reach the Tropical Side. The journey varies between a second, a day, or an eternity. It all depends on the time of day, the "air" currents, the migration patterns of the Spiders Abandon , or whether Firmament is in a bad mood. All these factors combined can turn a regular harvesting trip into a nightmare.

There is no direct path to the Tropical Side. The only portal available is at the edge of the Dark Side of Power. Not even the Mansion has a portal reserved for that place. That place can only exist in our plane of existence. The only other option is to pass by the crack created on our planet during the war with the Conquistadors. The core is exposed on that section , allowing part of the beast to break free. No, that path cannot be taken. Should, you make it. A new problem arises. The inhabitants ,barricaded between the Dark Side and the Beast, have lived a life of complete isolation. For them, we must wear a guise contemporary to their time. They still believe that they are the last humans. Their technological specks barely gets past the 20th century. Alas, that is of little consequence, a brief change of clothing and off we go.

Inside these small groups of Islands, in the largest. At the tip of the Crocodile mouth, there lies a cave. Inside this cave, there lies the special waters necessary for growing and harvesting the Ammo. Now, to harvest it. Normally, one would need scuba gear to plant the Ammo underwater. Alas, years in a world like Power has taken from us the need to breath and speak. We only move our mouth and make breathing movements out of force of habit. Once inside the water, a swift hand is needed. While inside the liquid the Ammo is useless. It must be isolated and drained of water inside the lantern. This process must be done surgically swift. A false movement spells disaster. Once the Ammo is safely inside the Lantern, it can be easily use to make any type of bullet. The Ammo is our greatest weapon; our life, our all.


Fragment 4

Loneliness is a name without a rose. An empty room inside the furnace.

Fragment 5

Its a real bummer a lot of things. To forge a strong bond with an illusion. Fools they are. Imagining that this face is the one that speaks. Alas, it is better to keep playing the same game. Yes, life is a game. Those who know how to play it win!! Win, eh? Win what? An open casket, that is the ultimate price. The end is always beckoning calling, dragging us down!! You cannot escape, you cannot break free. So, why bother to search for a tomorrow that will never come?

Fragment 6

I wish to forget that I have a face, a heart, an all!! I was always indifferent about everything. Like a bullet, I was given this path before me. Even now, I am still in this same trajectory. I fear the day that I might strike my last solid wall.


Fragment 7 : Painting the End

Ah... what a quiet life we live. These dark halls are so peaceful. Look! The moon rises, giving strange a fantastic color to those stained glass windows. The darkness becomes alight with all these colors. So, warm so timid, those fantastic shapes dance around the mansion. They rest ,only for a moment, on the freshly painted surface of our work. Today we decorate the rooms of a decaying world. The once beautiful green meadows have become deserts. We must continue recording those transitions. There are some minor variants here and there. Alas, to our greatest displeasure those dissidents lack all imagination. There isn't any need to make extra rooms or wings. Today, is such a slow day for our production. This hallway is almost finish.

As for me, I had the privileged of making the last painting. I am in between realism or cubism. How best should I render something that is no more? I could paint the explosion... nah, that is too obvious!! How about an empty space, with a lil bit of dust here an there.A Nebula perhaps might work better. Then, I could title it, "The Graveyard" or something. I am not certain... Do you think the visitors would get the reference? Then again, who ever visits these empty halls...We should have tours from time to time... no, that would just invite disaster. Ah, still no dice. How lovely!! The light from the windows is dancing above the empty canvas. That looks just about right. I will mark this moment on this white skin!!! Look, the end is alive, it has flesh!! Perfect! It is done!! A fine rendering of "The End".

End Note: Well, that was a decent exercise. Three complete and four fragments. Lets see how much I get done next time.  

Copyright Teresita Blanco 5/6/2012
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